At Benwick Primary School it is our intention to teach a science curriculum which results in the acquisition of key knowledge, whilst enabling children to become enquiry-based learners. We strive to ensure our lessons are engaging whilst aiming to develop children’s curiosity and excitement about the natural world. Our science lessons aim to promote joy and excitement for learning, with the hope that children apply these attitudes in other curriculum areas and ultimately in life. We value the importance of science in every aspect of daily life, encouraging children to recognise the significance and impact science has on their lives. We intend to explicitly teach children the essential scientific skills of enquiry, so they are able to use these skills to understand how science can be used today and in the future.
Our science curriculum is logically organised, using a 2-year rolling programme of topics, with a clear sequence of progressive skills to ensure children develop a coherent knowledge of scientific concepts and processes. Staff ensure children are exposed to high-quality teaching and learning experiences, which include children exploring their outdoor environment and locality, thus developing their scientific enquiry and investigative skills. Through direct immersion of age-appropriate scientific methods of enquiry, we intend to support and develop children’s confidence in using a variety of scientific approaches independently to answer relevant scientific questions.
Curriculum coverage is taught over a 2 year rolling programme of study, ensuring by the end of Year 6, children have been taught all elements of the National Curriculum. The science curriculum is organised to enable progression in scientific concepts and working scientifically. A progressive curriculum ensures children are able to build on prior learning, deepening their understanding of complex ideas whilst additionally increasing their confidence.
Science is taught as a discrete subject, but where possible, is linked to other curriculum subjects, such as English. Teachers plan a cycle of lessons that follow National Curriculum expectations. These are carefully planned to ensure there is progression and appropriate depth.
Teachers use a range of resources and scientific equipment to develop children’s knowledge and understanding of topics and to develop their scientific enquiry skills. Regular use of equipment will ensure children become competent and confident when working independently. Practical learning is planned for where possible, and opportunities to use the outdoor environment and locality are considered to enhance learning experiences in real-life contexts. Children are encouraged to use subject specific vocabulary in science lessons and wider learning. Vocabulary is promoted through displays and correct teacher modelling.
Enrichment activities, such as science week and STEM days, are planned to inspire children’s interest and curiosity.