Governors have an important part to play in raising school standards
What are a Governor’s duties and responsibilities?
A school governors duties include:
- setting the strategic direction, policies and objectives
- approving the budget
- reviewing progress against the budget and objectives
- challenging and supporting senior staff
- playing a part in appointing staff
- Provide Head teacher with support and advice
What are Governing bodies accountable for?
- the use of public funds
- the quality of education provided
- the wider contribution to the community
Categories of Governor
There are a number of different categories of Governor which are listed below:
The composition of a governing body should reflect a wide range of groups from the community.
Parent Governors - All schools have a number of places reserved for parents of pupils at the school. Parents receive a letter when a vacancy arises inviting nominations. Where there are more parents wishing to serve as governors than there are vacancies, an election is held. If there are fewer parents than vacancies, parents can be elected unopposed.
Staff Governors - Both teaching and support staff paid to work at the school are eligible for staff governorship. The head teacher is a member of the governing body by virtue of their office and counts as a member of the staff category
Authority Governors - Each school’s governing body has a number of governors who are appointed by the Local Authority (LA). Nominations to fill Authority governor vacancies can be made by the school or the local County Councillor for the area. Appointments are made on the basis of the individual’s interests and experience at work, home or elsewhere which may be relevant to being a governor.
Co-opted Governors - A person who is appointed as a governor by the governing body and who, in the opinion of the governing body, has the skills required to contribute to the effective governance and success of the school.
If you are interested in becoming a school governor please contact:
Chair of Governors -