OFSTED July 2023 - We are a GOOD School!


Mrs Clutton

Owls Class Teacher

Welcome to Owls Class 
Owls is the home of Year 3 and Year 4. Mrs Clutton is our teacher this year and our teaching assistants are Mrs Few, and Mr Pedder. Mrs Hay teaches the class on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons.
As a team, we work hard to ensure that a happy, safe and welcoming environment is provided for the children, in which they can learn and grow positively. We encourage the children to talk to us about any problems or difficulties that they are worried about. We would be grateful if you could also encourage this from home. 
If you have any concerns, please contact us via the school office or talk to us on the playground before or after school.
Just a reminder that KS2 children do not receive snacks from school as they did in KS1. If you would like your child to have a snack at playtime please send in a healthy snack such as fruit and vegetable sticks in a named tub. Please also provide a named water bottle for your child. We are a 'healthy teeth' school and encourage the children to drink water rather than squash.
PE is on Thursdays and  Fridays. Please ensure that your child has PE kit in school on both days. Lessons will be inside until the weather gets warmer, however we still recommend long trousers and a sweatshirt. Please make sure that everything is clearly named to help lost kit get back to its rightful owner!
Below you will find our welcome letter along with a topic grid outlining the children's learning this half term. If you have any particular skills in any of our topic areas (and reading) we would love to hear from you!
Kind regards
The Owls team.
Use this link to access the quiz when your child has finished an AR book. If you need your child's login details, please speak to one of the Year 3/4 team.