OFSTED July 2023 - We are a GOOD School!

The Governing Body

Staff Governors
Clare Talbot (Head Teacher)
Trudy Millican (Deputy Headteacher)
Darren Gore (Named Governor for Safeguarding, Child Protection, Looked after Children, Health & Safety & Maths)
Vice Chair
Rob Glozier (Named Governor for Pupil premium, SEND & PE)
Local Authority Governor
Paul Miller
Parent Governors
Darren Gore (Named Governor for Safeguarding, Child Protection, Looked after Children, Health & Safety & Maths)
Danielle Peacock (Named Governor for EYFS & Governor Training)
Co-opted Governor
Mark Goulbourne (Named Governor for Finance & GDPR)
Rob Glozier (Named Governor for Pupil Premium and SEND)
Karen Piper
Clerk to Governors
Helen Nicholls
We would like to hear from you if you would like to become a School Governor.  Please contact the school for more information or email chair@benwick.cambs.sch.uk
Please contact our Governors for more information.
Governing Body newsletters: